"The new BATAK Evolution training system will push top athletes to
their limits and beyond..."
Dr David W Nelson (creator of BATAK

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BATAK Certification

BATAK Certification Programme (to be launched in 2011)

Our official certification syllabus will consist
of the following 3 online exams:

BATAK Certified Programmer

o Demonstrate the following skills:
     - Understand the BATAK Evolution concept
     - Understand use of all menu options
     - Describe all target types and parameters
     - Program a standard target sequence
     - Program a POD sequence (manually and automatically)
     - Create new clients
     - Demonstrate data analysis skills
     - Generate a client report
     - Demonstrate Hardware and Software error recovery skills

BATAK Certified Trainer

o Demonstrate the following skills:
     - Describe the BATAK communication system and protocol
     - Understand why programs are stored in an XML format
     - How to create different types of performance training program
     - How to retrieve client data
     - Generate BATAK Evolution indexes for all clients
     - Analyse client data
     - Make detailed comments for every client session
     - Understand the importance of a ‘practice session’

BATAK Certified Instructor

o Demonstrate the following skills:
     - Set up advanced programs including all target types
     - Explain the advantages of the ‘statistics’ and ‘notes’ features
     - Demonstrate a complete understanding of the BEI concept
     - Pick the optimal training programme from several scenarios
     - Understand the underlying MySQL database concept
     - Demonstrate advanced SQL data analysis skills
     - Understand how to export data in the following formats:
          • Excel
          • CSV (comma separated values)
          • HTML
          • XML
     - Understand how to generate visual data reports in Excel
       (eg bar charts etc)
     - Understand how to publish data to a website




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