"The new BATAK Evolution training system will push top athletes to
their limits and beyond..."
Dr David W Nelson (creator of BATAK

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The Software

The BATAK Evolution software will run on...

    - Windows 7
    - Windows Vista
    - Windows XP
    - Windows NT
    - Windows 2000

The software will enable Human Performance Trainers to add as many clients to the database as required.

It's very easy to add new clients, just fill in their details as shown below:

Your new client will then appear in the 'client tree' as shown below:

You will notice a number in brackets that appears next to each client's name, this is the client's unique identification number and is useful when searching for specific clients or performing data analysis.

Project details can be entered for each project, this makes it easy for trainers to create a series of different programs and include full notes describing how those programs work.

In version 1.0 of the BATAK Evolution software you can create programs based on the following 3 types of events:

BATAK event
TONE event
DELAY event

Each event has its own associated properties that can easily be set by the trainer.

Human Performance testing programs can be designed by linking these different event types together to form a sequence of events, for example, BATAK event...DELAY event...
TONE event...BATAK event etc

Please note, in the next version of the software (v2.0) we will be adding a new event type which will allow trainers to control our new wireless PODS. These PODS can be placed at ground level and used as flashing beacons that athletes can run to and strike out.

After running through a training session, a client's performance ratings are automatically generated by the software, see below for an example:

As you can see from this human performance bar chart, this client has an excellent stamina rating of 95% but his reaction and co-ordination ratings will definitely need improving!

At any time you can create and optionally print out detailed client reports.

Over time you will build up a large database of clients and session data, all of which can be analysed in detail using sophisticated 'data mining' techniques.

This software is extremely powerful and the possibilities are endless!




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